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h2o gen ai world conference san francisco h2o gen ai world conference san francisco


A full-day event focused on empowering Innovation and Collaboration in the ecosystem of Generative AI and Large Language Models

September 2023 | Mountain View, CA

The H2O GenAI World Conference is the first of its kind event for experts, practitioners, researchers, and enthusiasts to come together and explore the rapidly evolving field of generative AI and large language models. This event is dedicated to promoting open-source collaboration and features a range of engaging activities, including keynote sessions, panel discussions, hackathons, power talks, and a showcase of cutting-edge open-source large language models like h2oGPT. This summit aims to foster a collaborative environment where innovation and knowledge-sharing can thrive.

Generative AI is poised to transform the business landscape in a way that few technologies have done before. By enabling the automation of many tasks that were previously done by humans, this powerful technology has the ability to create new, unique data, rather than simply analyzing existing data, unlocking a wide range of possibilities for companies across industries.

Business leaders are faced with budget decisions–not on IF, but HOW they must leverage Gen AI to automate workflows, supercharge productivity, and use LLMs for hyper personalization. 


Will 2023 be the year of AI-powered call agents, or the year of AI co-pilot productivity?

The H2O World SFO & GenAI Summit will be the most talked about event to dive into enterprise LLM use cases that business leaders cannot afford to ignore.




icon of a podium in yellow and black icon of a podium in yellow and black

Keynote Session on
Open Source LLMs

The keynote session covers current advancements, industry impact, and the future potential of LLMs, providing a comprehensive overview of the open-source LLM landscape.

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Lightning talks on
Open Source LLMs

Rapid-fire presentations by multiple speakers delve into diverse topics related to open-source LLMs. These short but dynamic talks offer attendees a glimpse into various perspectives, research findings, project updates, and innovative use cases within the field.

icon of a hand below h2ogpt icon in yellow and black icon of a hand below h2ogpt icon in yellow and black

Hands-On Session on LLMs:
Make your own GPT

Make your own GPT Participants in this interactive session roll up their sleeves and embark on a practical journey into the realm of large language models. Guided by experts, attendees learn to create their own GPT-based models, explore key concepts, and best practices, and gain hands-on experience through coding exercises.

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Showcase of H2O LLM Ecosystem

This session shines a spotlight on the H2O LLM ecosystem, offering attendees the opportunity to witness demonstrations, presentations, and discussions about the ecosystem's features, capabilities, and applications.

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Interesting Panel Discussions

Engage in thought-provoking conversations during panel discussions featuring a diverse group of experts and thought leaders. Moderated discussions explore a range of LLM-related topics, including ethical considerations, practical challenges, emerging trends, and societal impacts.


portrait of sri ambati portrait of sri ambati

Sri Ambati
CEO & Founder,

portrait of arno candel portrait of arno candel

Arno Candel
Chief Technology Officer,

portrait of Philipp Singer portrait of Philipp Singer

Philipp Singer
Senior Principal Data Scientist,

portrait of jon mckinney portrait of jon mckinney

Jon McKinney
Director of Research,

portrait of arno candel portrait of arno candel

Pascal Pfeiffer
Principal Data Scientist,

Interested in speaking at H2O GenAI World Conference SFO?

Recognition for Excellence in
Open Source LLMs

Awards Celebrating Outstanding Contributions in the World of
open source Large Language Models

Discover and celebrate outstanding achievements in the realm of open-source Large Language Models. These prestigious awards honor innovation, contributions, and remarkable projects that drive the advancement of LLMs, fostering a community dedicated to pushing the boundaries of language technology

award seal in black and gold with three stars award seal in black and gold with three stars

Outstanding Contribution in OSS

Recognizes an individual or team that has made a significant and valuable contribution to the development or improvement

Open Source Innovation Award

Honors an innovative use of a large language model, such as a creative application, novel research, or groundbreaking project that showcases the potential of these models.

Best Open Source Project

Acknowledges an exceptional open source project related to large language models, considering factors like code quality, community engagement, and impact on the field.

Breakthrough Application

Acknowledges an application or project that demonstrates a groundbreaking use of large language models in solving real-world problems, making a significant impact in a particular domain.

Best Educational Resource

Recognizes a high-quality educational resource, such as a tutorial, course, or documentation, that effectively helps individuals learn and understand large language models and their applications.

h2o gen ai world conference san francisco h2o gen ai world conference san francisco
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